7mm Llareggub wharf (Another 7mm Micro Project)

Marc Dobson

Western Thunderer
Officially I'm not staring this project until Saturday at the Furness MRC show where I'm going to endeavour to build most of the layout over the course of a weekend. If your in the area it worth popping down. Although the prototype is actually about 6ft long and 2ft wide in 7mm its being squished into 4ft by 18inches, without changing the overall look. The baseboard has be reclaimed from "Scratchy Bottom" as have the point actuators. The NG track work is straight of of the box peco 0-16.5 and the standard gauge hand built in S7.
This is the effect I'm hoping to get when finished.
136%20&%20164%204w%203%20Bar%20&%202%20Bar%20Slate%20Wagons%20%20-%20Talyllyn%20Railway%2027.0...jpg ZZTRE04.jpg 79f86907a9aa6aa389eb96f7d7851665.jpg Wharf1905a.jpg

Some of the stock has already been built (See photos).
3plk tamiya paint.jpg steel open without top strapping2.jpg Powder van no brakes.jpg incline .jpg 3 bar slate no brakes2.jpg 2 bar slate no brakes2.jpg 4plk.jpg
I have a Branchlines chassis on order for Tal-y-Llyn. All the wagons are/will be fitted with modified Greenwich couplings operated by small Permanente magnets.

I probably should say that this is a build that is strictly not for me as its for My little lad who is really into his Narrow gauge

Joe's Garage

Western Thunderer
Hi Marc
Would love to see more photos of progress from next weekend, good luck.
Also are those wagons scratch built or your own production?

Marc Dobson

Western Thunderer
I will post photos of the progress at regular intervals through next weekend.
The wagons are all from my own kits. We do eight at moment. 2 bar slate, 3 bar slate, 3 plank, 4 plank, iron body with no top strapping, iron body with top strapping, iron body incline and a powder van.

Marc Dobson

Western Thunderer
So yesterday I got some track out on the base board to check positions of things. And to work out how much foam i need to order. Realised I didn't have enough Flexi track by 3ft. Found out that my local model shops didn't have any 0-16.5 in stock. Also found that you can only buy it in boxes of 12yards from all major online model shops. Finally found some on eBay, having wasted alot of time. 2032418179_IMG_20221003_1545404292.jpg.55549e7b0ba6fe01a55ccb2f574c83c3.jpg

I have also managed to draw out the 5ft wagon turntables. These should be printed this afternoon if my resin delivery arrives in time.

Marc Dobson

Western Thunderer
Day 2 the track is down and wired for DCC. I have run a wagon over the track and once I have tested it it will be ballasted.
Not as much progress as I was hoping for. But I have had a lot of interest from the public many had not seen a layout under.

Marc Dobson

Western Thunderer
Bit of a shock this afternoon, a good one I should add. The branchlines chassis for Talyllyn arrived in the post. I had sort of given up on it and resigned myself to scratch building one. I should say that I had contacted Osborne models about a month ago to find out where it was and they did say the problem was at the peco end,
I think I will start a separate thread for the loco build.


Bit of a shock this afternoon, a good one I should add. The branchlines chassis for Talyllyn arrived in the post. I had sort of given up on it and resigned myself to scratch building one. I should say that I had contacted Osborne models about a month ago to find out where it was and they did say the problem was at the peco end,
I think I will start a separate thread for the loco build.

Please do...a 7mm Talyllyn remains high on my list of most desirable locos I'll never own (because I could never build one myself) so I'd enjoy following a build!

Marc Dobson

Western Thunderer
The name for those who are not ofay with the work of Dylan Thomas is the name of the town in his play for voices "Under Milk Wood" and the joke can be found by reading it backwards.

A recap on the story so far.
About 2 years ago I started building a 0-16.5 shunting puzzle layout based on Wharf station at Tywyn on the Talyllyn.
I build all the wagons form my own kits. So far so good I hear people say. Base board built, the track went down, wagon turntables printed. All was going well until I turned to locos. This was when things started to unravel very quickly. I bought a peco Talyllyn and a Branch line chassis to go with it. I started to build it against a drawing as well as the instructions only to find that the loco was 16mm longer than it should have been and it had a footplate where there shouldn't have been. At that point the project was put on ice and stacked at the back of the workshop.
Scroll forward 18 month and Bachmann announced they are going to produce NG7 quarry locos and they should be available by the end of this summer. So the project is back on.

Marc Dobson

Western Thunderer
Look what has arrived in the post today. IMG_20240708_153252.jpg
It's lovely only one small issue IMHO the way it has been designed means it can't actually by converted from 0-16.5 to 0-14. Ie 2ft4 to 2ft, these locos only ran on 2ft gauge. I think Bachmann have missed a trick there. Not a problem with the current project but it might have been nice for future layouts.
On a positive note there are different coupling types including one of which looks like it's comparable with the Greenwich ones I have fitted to the wagons. Also there are etched name plates that means any further locos can be renamed very easily.
Now it here I can test the track and start with the scenic work.


The Bachmann quarry Hunslets can be converted to 014 - this has been discussed on the NGRM online forum. Paul Martin of EDM models is doing some.


Western Thunderer
We took a goods train ride on the South Devon Railway yesterday, part of our 50th wedding anniversary celebration, a surprise for my wife! The model shop was displaying the Bachmann NG7 range, and they looked very good! Food for thought!