Hunslet Works in 7mm

Andy Ross

Western Thunderer
We have just had a busy weekend at Guildex and the layout was generally well received despite it being a work in progress.

I was helped over the weekend by Peter Kirmond. Peter built the baseboards and has assisted in other areas - including painting the Jubilee and fitting the DCC and sound.

This was the first outing since I painted the structure and the first time I populated the layout with all the loco parts etc.

Obviously I am pleased with how it looks but what does stand out now is that I need to get a lot of the loco parts painted. We have also decided that the next priority should be finishing the floors as this will change the complete appearance of the layout against the painted columns etc.

Below are several photos from the show. I did not take the camera with me so these are all from the phone.














We did have a couple of issues with the crane hoist ropes on both crabs but we managed to sort them both out. Short of having to re rope them completely, this has proved we can sort them no matter how badly tied up they get.

We did have a lot of issues with dirt which we put down to the hall floor which was unsealed concrete and not ideal. This has not been an issue previously.

The most annoying thing was the selector switch for the test track, which appears to of failed internally - I have ordered a replacement and this will be fitted tomorrow.

We are out again this coming weekend at the Steam Museum in Swindon. Jill will be helping this weekend and some of the time she will be demonstrating painting figures for the layout.

If you come along please say hello.


Richard Gawler

Western Thunderer
We have just had a busy weekend at Guildex and the layout was generally well received despite it being a work in progress.

The model looked wonderful at Larkrail last year and looks better still (more to see) in these photos. Even if it was "generally" well-received at the show, I suspect it is universally admired here. Everything is inspiring.


Western Thunderer
After mistaking Andy for another Andy Ross of this parish on Saturday and once confusion was cleared I had a chance to really admire this layout. Even with very little paint applied the levels of detail are second to none.

A superb project in the making.

Allen M

Western Thunderer
As Max Boyce used to say “An‘ I know, ‘cos I was there”!
And me sort of.
I started work as apprentice electrician in the steel works in Kidderminster in 1956, then in 1961 moved to Brierley Hill. Take out the railway bits and replace with steel coils, bars and/or sheet it could be where I worked.


Dave Holt

Western Thunderer
A superb model of an industrial works. The view down the length of the shop, with the two overhead cranes reminded me of the heavy engineering works in Wolverhampron where I did my student apprenticeship and worked for several years. Very much looking forward to seeing continued progress towards completion.