Heather's stuff

Heather Kay

Western Thunderer
If i may ask you a question, who's transfers have you used for the C1 Restriction's ?

You may ask, but I can't answer. I built the coaches for a Richard Carr and he did the final lettering and weathering.

The dynamo chain came from the bits box. Not sure of the source, sorry. :oops:

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
Hi Heather,
I was having a look through your photostream and amongst the very tasty subjects is a D16 build by Laurie Griffin, you don't happen to know which kit is was from do you? I built a 4mm PDK kit as my very first loco build and I would like to add a 7mm version to my collection at some point.

Dog Star

Western Thunderer
The guard's handrails look good.

The window frames have a serious presence... how might the heavy nature of the frames be reduced?

regards, Graham

Heather Kay

Western Thunderer
The window frames have a serious presence... how might the heavy nature of the frames be reduced?

Sand them off and replace them with etched ones. Having been spraying the JLTRT special today, there's a difference in sharpness and depth even between the sides of the coach. :confused:

Heather Kay

Western Thunderer
I'm afraid we come back to the same point again - the best way of reproducing sheet metal is with sheet metal!

Would you consider suitable etched replacement windows for the JLTRT Mk2s, David? The thick frames and afterthought ventilators spoil an otherwise good kit, to my mind.


Western Thunderer
Would you consider suitable etched replacement windows for the JLTRT Mk2s, David? The thick frames and afterthought ventilators spoil an otherwise good kit, to my mind.
Hasn't Tom or someone here already done this, I'm sure his MK2 had etched window frames, maybe his are the later pressurised ones with no top lights now I think about it?

None the less, why don't you have a whizz yourself, it's not too hard and the cost would be quite cheap for two coach sides. I don't have any of the kits to measure off so can't really help 1st hand but if someone has accurate dimensions and corner radius it wouldn't be hard too knock some up. With half etching you should be able to replicate the steel surrounds quite effectively.

Actually, looking at the Mk2 photos above, shouldn't there be three dividers in the top light windows? And a vent between the two dividers on the toilet windows for the open coach?

Heather Kay

Western Thunderer
Actually, looking at the Mk2 photos above, shouldn't there be three dividers in the top light windows? And a vent between the two dividers on the toilet windows for the open coach?

I know! I know! :headbang:

I'm considering drawing up some artwork for etching something else anyway, but I don't really want to get into the habit. I don't know how many Mk2s I'll end up building in the future! :))

Dog Star

Western Thunderer
I'm considering drawing up some artwork for etching something else anyway, but I don't really want to get into the habit. I don't know how many Mk2s I'll end up building in the future! :))
How many you might build is one consideration. Members of the S7 Group who are members of WT seem to be developing a self-help ethos with the added ingredient of "who else needs some?". I acknowledge that the loss of the Guv'nor has lead to a (temporary) drop-off in such thinking... however, the recent meeting at Sotwell reassures me that there are S7 modellers who are prepared to to offer such benefits to others. As an example:- Richard Carr was aware of our interest in JLTRT tank wagons and passed some etched axleguards our way when we met at the show.

regards, Graham

Heather Kay

Western Thunderer
I don't doubt properly designed and etched windows for Mk2s would go down a storm, but I'm not the right person to create them. I realise etching is pretty easy, and there's nothing stopping me from creating artwork and having a vanity etch done, as it were, with plenty left over to pass on to anyone interested. I happen to think there are others already there who would be better at it - I'm thinking Tom for one, as he's already got tons of detail etches for this particular type of coach.

Far better, in my opinion, to have everything available from one source as a complete detailing kit. :thumbs:


Western Thunderer
I don't have any of the kits to measure off so can't really help 1st hand

Ok perhaps I should of rephrased that comment better, if some one has a JLTRT Mk2 with top light windows could they please measure up said windows and I will willingly draw up the art work for them, I'd think you could easily get four or five coaches on one sheet, maybe more, so if there's enough interest then a one off run could be split amongst those interested.

Heather, I had a quick google, theres two types of top light, one is the traditional Mk1 half sliding windows, I.E one each side, the other type has only one larger sliding window the same size as the two halves combined, which variant had which or when in their careers I have as yet to ascertain, and probably won't due to other interest bubbles to the fore.