Elmham Market in EM

  • James Spooner

    Western Thunderer
    This evening has been a case of one step forward and another step back. I have made the soffits and fitted them, using them also as a form of strengthener for the front and back. I have also cut and fitted the main roof. This required some 40thou square strips to pack out the end walls but eventually I got it all to line up satisfactorily. The backward step relates to the semi-bay roofs where the two halves of the houses join together. I carefully (not carefully enough, it seems!) measured and cut a pair of triangles and then some tapered strips to keep them the right distance apart from the main roof. The first attempt gave a ridge higher than the main roof so was ripped off (the plasticard roof is going to be covered by York scenic roof tiles anyway). The second attempt was too short. More thinking time is needed so I will put it down now and come back to it tomorrow evening, hopefully with some fresh thinking!


  • James Spooner

    Western Thunderer
    OK, puzzled of Surrey, I can’t load this file up from my iPhone but if I send it via email back to myself I can post it from my iPad. ‍♂️
    I’m not going to risk sending too many photos at once in case they crash but here is the daily pick up goods, coming from the Colchester direction, towards Whitemoor. It will reverse back into the long siding, before hauling out the wagons to be shunted here.
