7mm Dikitriki's Dark side: A WD 2-8-0

Yorkshire Dave

Western Thunderer
Nice model of a charming prototype :thumbs: - the Lanky tank.

mmmm wonder if you could use this as the basis for the one and only SECR S class.


Western Thunderer
Nice model of a charming prototype :thumbs: - the Lanky tank.

mmmm wonder if you could use this as the basis for the one and only SECR S class.

Hi Dave,

the thought had occurred to me some time ago, def worth looking into. There was an S class on t'bay some time back, which was described as an 'Aspinal 0-6-0 saddle tank' - food for thought.




Flying Squad
I saw that and immediately thought Lanky tank before I read the description.

At the moment I am working on a Patriot tender - not Lady G, but Llandudno. It's a Chowbent Patriot that I bought half-built with a whole lot of extras and Slater's wheels for £260. Out of curiosity more than anything, to see what the Chowbent kit is like - very nice actually. But, as ever, it's a blow torch apart and start again job. The loco had some serious errors in construction, and Royal Mail dropped the box at some stage as the front end took a battering. Fortunately, the loco chassis had not been started at all.

I'll get some photos at the weekend, and you can have a laugh.

I think the order of events on my workbench for the next few weeks/months:

Patriot Tender.
LNER bogies for a JLTRT full brake using JB's etched frames.
Aspinall A class 0-6-0 tender loco.
Patriot Lady Godiva.
Various crew to be painted and exisiting locos to be crewed and otherwise titivated.
Further weather some freight vehicles, including parcels stock.

The last 2 of these to be fitted in as and when. BRM are also coming to photograph the layout sometime in the next 2-3 months.




Western Thunderer
Hi Richard,

glad to hear that Heyside is going to get an even bigger 'fan club' than it has already - you'll be arranging for book signing sessions next:))




Flying Squad
That's lovely, the weathering is spot on. Only the figure makes it not real. Sorry.

Hi, can you tell me what you don't like about the figure? The pose? The sculpting? the painting? I must admit that I have problems with all figures, as there's no way to capture motion, and I usually fail to put crew in for that reason. however, the rest of the group - and the general exhibition public - expect to see them.

I have one of these coming up on my bench soon too - I have started to cut the castings from the sprues but I am using Fox bogies from Newbold Models (Peter Dobson) for mine.

I already have a LNER FB from Kirk sides, roof ends, with everything else scratchbuilt or sourced elsewhere, running on Fox bogies. This one I wanted to do in dirty teak.



Western Thunderer
Nice model of a charming prototype :thumbs: - the Lanky tank.

mmmm wonder if you could use this as the basis for the one and only SECR S class.

Hi Dave,

just did a quick comparison between the two classes - got as far as driving wheel diameters - S class 5'2" & 23 class 4'6"and didn't bother to go any further:(




I've put my thoughts on figures down before, but my main gripes are:

1. Poor sculpting...we pay £££ to get the smallest part of our locos spot on, then buy figures which bear little relationship to the shape of a REAL human being.

2. Proportions: see above, and,

3. Lack of movement. While a steam loco might stand still for long periods, the crew were unlikely to do so.

I may be shouted down here, but I always think a loco can look real, until you put crew aboard. Then it's obviously a model.

Steph Dale

Western Thunderer
Here you are:



I like that a lot. Where are the bogies from Richard? They look pretty neat and (shock!!!) appear to have some brakes...

The Kirk stuff is pretty good IMHO. I've seen a handfull of these fullbrakes made up with added lights, bells and whistles which just show how well Ian did with the tools for the mouldings. I'd love to have the excuse to set about his Maunsell carriages to see what I'd make of them with some of my preferred choices of parts.



Mid-Western Thunderer
Re the rust on the buffer faces of the tank locos; I don't think I've ever seen that modelled before. :bowdown: :thumbs:

Figures are a subject all to themselves.... I agree with Alcazar that they do tend to shout 'model', but I also like to see Steam Locos in particular have a crew aboard - I recall watching Holiday Haunts at a Show, and the sight of trains speeding around behind crew-less locos rather made me shudder, to be honest!!
I like Richard's crew poses - they do avoid the usual 'cliche' poses of Driver yanking throttle wide open, and Fireman stoking for England....;)


Flying Squad
With figures you're damned if you do and damned if you don't.

I think your figures look fine but I suspect that the railway figure sculpting that most (7mm) crews rely upon is not as good as it could be. That said the Phoenix figures that (I think) you used seem to me to be amongst the best in 7mm, although looking through the range there is some difference in believability, different sculptors I guess.

In 1/32 and thereabouts we are very lucky with the Preiser stuff, military @1/35 and Phoenix again, although I rejected their loco driver in favour of the milkman figure, which is much, much better.

Perhaps someone ought to send an emissary to the military modelling world in search of new sculptors...

All that said, an intelligent choice of pose and suitable grouping, and of course the painting, make a huge difference.

On balance, great pictures of lovely stock and I'm definitely in favour of more little people - I knew that they were models anyway;)


Phill Dyson

Western Thunderer
There appears to be a slight glossy sheen to that figure, but then again that could be the lighting in the photo. I think your figure painting is as good as any I've seen though & does not IMO detract from the model.........much better than the alternative of Loco's running round without any crew & much better than my attempts at figure painting;)

I would like to see more detail painted on figures faces, but god knows how this would be achievable in 1/43:eek:.......maybe as Simon says maybe we could learn some tricks from the military modelers :)