7mm David Andrews Princess - 6206 Princess Marie Louise

A snifter (also called brandy snifter, brandy glass, brandy bowl, or a cognac glass) is a type of stemware, a short-stemmed glass whose vessel has a wide bottom and a relatively narrow top. It is mostly used to serve aged brown liquors such as bourbon, brandy, and whisky.:):):)

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
Well, it's a good job I had decided to add the bottom nut, as when I was walking back into the workshop after taking the last photo I dropped the blessed oil pot and it disappeared into the ether. As it turned out, if you will pardon the pun, the bottom stem wasn't long enough to accommodate the nut and go through the hole in the bolster so I made two more.

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Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
I have laminate flooring in the workshop which when paired with kitchen cabinets with no lower plinths equals lots of hiding places for small parts.
The spaces under the cabinets are great for additional storage though so it's something I will live with.

About a month ago I dropped a Slaters axle screw. Yesterday I pulled a plastic C type clamp (the type that close with a similar mechanism to a sealant gun) and sat in one of the webs was my missing screw.


Western Thunderer
Bob Alderman always reckoned there's a black hole somewhere that picks these bits up and transports them to the underneath of other modellers' benches on the basis that he kept finding parts from locos he'd never built under his.........

(I know the black hole theory couldn't actually apply - so did Bob but it made me smile.)


Mike W

Western Thunderer
My parents kept a 1940s Goblin cylinder vacuum cleaner. Long since replaced on domestic duties, you could put a linen handkerchief inside the end of the cylinder and then go over the likely area and catch everything in the linen! I think its a big design flaw of the new cleaners that you can't do that. Perhaps I should write to Mr.Dyson.
