Scattergun BR(W) Mk1's and other coaching stock


Oliver Bulleid

What would have been the typical colour scheme for BR(W) Mk1's in the late 50's - very early 60's?

Did the same apply to other BR(W) mainline coaching stock?

Thank you for your help



Western Thunderer
Maroon is the overall standard Mk1 colour scheme for those dates, but the BR(W) had a rebellious streak and painted quite a few in brown and cream I believe, I think the BR(S) also painted some in green as well during that period.

Oliver Bulleid

OK, I should have tried harder before I started the thread.

1956 saw the first big changes, with the end of 'third class' and the return of regional colour schemes. The Western Region promptly adopted GWR chocolate and cream livery for vehicles used on its named express trains and maroon for other stock. In 1962 the Western Region abandoned the use of chocolate and cream.

Just a six years for Mk1 chocolate and cream- it seems a very short time-frame. The other interesting point is the decision to use chocolate and cream for all named express stock in '56, what proportion of BR Mk1's were allocated to named expresses, were the remaining Mk1's and pre-nationalisation stock allocated to non-express duties and painted maroon from '56 until withdrawal.


Phill Dyson

Western Thunderer
BR (WR) reverted to Chocolate & Cream in 1956 for it's named expresses & maroon for other coaching stock, Chocolate & Cream was abandoned by BR(WR) in 1962.

Phill :)


Western Thunderer
My understanding is that crimson and cream tended to fade badly so there was a practical reason for changing, Also most regions were still in the mindset of the old companies and did not have to think twice about repainting when the then Goverment allowed them to have a more regional identity. Your correct about chocolate and cream being used for the 'named' trains and the balance in maroon. I suspect that when trains were put together anything available was grabbed, I have a picture of a Gresley carriage in maroon running in a mixed formation on the S&D, cheers Rob