Blue Ridge Mountain Railroad Company


Western Thunderer
There will be 4 control panels. I have built 3 so far. 2 on the left side and 1 on the right

This is the Left hand side "Signal box diagram"1726162141063.jpeg
Over on the Left Hand Side are Control panel 1 and 2. 1 switches the points via stud contact and isolates roads 1-7.
2 switches between DCC and DC. the colours on the diagram relate to switched sections. For DC control is hand held Modelex controllers. For DCC Z211726429383809.jpeg
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Western Thunderer
As you can see from the above plans. Trains can be run as either 2 trains (on inner and outer ovals)
or 1 train on a figure of 8. The switching is controlled by a single slip on a lift bridge on the entrance to the layouts home.
This is an early shot when we were still tracklaying.
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