Western Thunderer
This is the first in what may be a sporadic survey of wagons in what might loosely be called preservation. These examples have ended up at the Yeovil Railway Centre at Yeovil Junction (well, actually the GWR's Clifton Maybank branch). These pictures were taken under the supervision of my father, a volunteer there and the area is not normally generally accessible. First is this LB&SCR open, S27884, formerly from the Isle of Wight (captured here by Paul Bartlett at York) and soon to return there where, with luck, it will be fully restored.
Despite appearances from below it looks fairly sound and most of the running gear looks in good order. The corner plates, however, are not but one nice touch is the only remaining paint, a shadow of the BR lettering, neatly rendered in Gill Sans.
Most of the remaining wagons were sourced from Avonmouth Docks of the Port of Bristol Authority, the PBA of the remaining brandings. These have been round the houses in preservation terms and I think may have spent some years at the East Somerset Railway at Cranmore, doing not a lot. With one exception (and I'll come to that in a bit) that broadly describes what they're doing now though this does mean that some original features remain. One example is this fabricated wheelset under an NRM-owned carriage truck which contrasts nicely with the cast open spoke wheelset on one of the other vehicles. This is the fabricated one:
And this the cast (the springs have been knackered for a long, long time):
More to come.
Despite appearances from below it looks fairly sound and most of the running gear looks in good order. The corner plates, however, are not but one nice touch is the only remaining paint, a shadow of the BR lettering, neatly rendered in Gill Sans.
Most of the remaining wagons were sourced from Avonmouth Docks of the Port of Bristol Authority, the PBA of the remaining brandings. These have been round the houses in preservation terms and I think may have spent some years at the East Somerset Railway at Cranmore, doing not a lot. With one exception (and I'll come to that in a bit) that broadly describes what they're doing now though this does mean that some original features remain. One example is this fabricated wheelset under an NRM-owned carriage truck which contrasts nicely with the cast open spoke wheelset on one of the other vehicles. This is the fabricated one:
And this the cast (the springs have been knackered for a long, long time):
More to come.