HO Another attempt at a cameo layout.

Tim Hale

Western Thunderer
TheG&H baseboard kit has finally arrived for another german cameo layout, it runs with a little diesel shunter and few wagons.

Click here

All stock will be just an old diesel.


The brickworks is a 40+year old kit once offered by Pola, I need to make a break from branchlines and much of this is an loose adaptation of the South Western Pottery site began by George Jennings of Parkstone, Poole. The site had a claypit connected to the pottery by a NG line.


I simply need to devise a working trackplan, this will be fun as the Pola kit occupies an impressive footprint, 250x225mm

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Tim Hale

Western Thunderer

The NG proved to be a non-starter, the trackplan called for the two gauges to cross at an acute angle, beyond my pay grade, so I kept the standard gauge and opted for ‘dummy’ plastic NG which allows the use of very small stock without the faff of electrickery.

Currently awaiting the arrival of plain code 75 to complete the track and then it all comes back to Dorset for the scenery, which I can manage to create. The white blob is supposed to be the claypit, in reality I just need a view blocker to hide the headshunt of the Inglenook, a rather glorious ‘40s shovel has been weathered in anticipation.
