7mm Aneurin Bridge ( St Stephen’s General station )

Compton castle

Western Thunderer
Pictures Jeff, on the western thread on rmweb some one did it to there's and the visual difference was clear to me so I had to do it as well. I used the front end shot of D1000 I put up earlier in this thread.


LOL...I've just tracked back to that pic. DIRECTLY underneath it, you said: "I think the headcode box needs moving up a couple of mm too but I'm not going to start carving the front up..."

I've saved both pics so I can look at them side by side, hope you don't mind?

Edited to say: flicking back and forth, I think you are right.

Compton castle

Western Thunderer
I've built the second cassette board for Canton today so besides the legs and a bit of paint that project is finished.
Only 6 weeks until the Newport O gauge show and then all the focus will return to Ranelagh Bridge.
The last bits for the Hymek should be with me soon so I can get that loco finished.
I've received the final pictures from Chris Nevard and suffice to say they are superb. I will get a few of them printed and framed to go on the wall on the railway room. Keep a nice reminder of my first proper O gauge layout around me.
I can't share them for obvious reasons but they will be in Model Rail for all to see in the coming future.