AK Weathering pencils

Scubaidh Dubh

Active Member

I have been experimenting with AK Weathering pencils. After watching a couple of tutorials on YouTube, I had a go. At this point, I see them as complimentary to established techniques but they appear to have a useful niche in chipping and streaking effects.
The model has already had washes and filters applied, but the pencils have added another layer and though I feel the roof chips might be a little over wrought I'm happy my own technique will improve with practice.
I think these will be a permanent addition to the toolbox once their full range of capabilities have been established.

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Herb Garden

Western Thunderer
View attachment 216785

I have been experimenting with AK Weathering pencils. After watching a couple of tutorials on You5I had a go. At this point, I see them as complimentary to established techniques but they appear to have a useful niche in chipping and streaking effects.
The model has already had washes and filters applied, but the pencils have added another layer and though I feel the roof chips might be a little over wrought I'm happy my own technique will improve with practice.
I think these will be a permanent addition to the toolbox once their full range of capabilities have been established.

Interesting, are they a form of watercolour pencil? And therefore would standard artist watercolour pencils work as well?


Western Thunderer
I have been using them for weathering for a while, along with my usual acrylic paints. They can be used for a variety of effects, too. Dip them in water, and they can be used to paint with, for instance. It's well worth checking out the many instructions YouTube clips showing how they can be used.


Scubaidh Dubh

Active Member
Interesting, are they a form of watercolour pencil? And therefore would standard artist watercolour pencils work as well?
I'm not sure if they are any different in any great ways although one of the tutorials I watched said this was the case.
I suppose it's just a case of perhaps trying out for oneself.


Western Thunderer
Don’t believe I’ve ever seen a better representation of time/weather-worn red oxide than that in your opening photo, Scub :thumbs:
(Spent most of my working life surrounded by it).

Herb Garden

Western Thunderer
I'm not sure if they are any different in any great ways although one of the tutorials I watched said this was the case.
I suppose it's just a case of perhaps trying out for oneself.
I certainly will do that. The results you are getting are first rate so I must have a play methinks


Western Thunderer
You only learn by trying out for yourself.

Precisely, Weathering isn't like baking a cake. There's no precise recipe to follow. It more a case of what material (or combination of materials) works for you to achieve the result you desire.

The AK weathering pencils are just one medium I use. But with practice I have found I can use them to create many affects to compliment other materials and techniques I use.

This is 7mm scale which allows for a bit more texturing. But what you see here was created using a mix of modellers and artists acrylics. Enhanced with scratches and smaller weathering details added using the weathering pencils.
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Scubaidh Dubh

Active Member
I took the effects a little stage further tonight and finished off the edges and raised detail with a standard 2b drawing pencil; a technique I came across by accident whilst looking for AK tutorials! I have to say, it's given that last little touch.
I also trialled the method on a couple of locos but I'll show those on a separate post.



Western Thunderer
I took the effects a little stage further tonight and finished off the edges and raised detail with a standard 2b drawing pencil; a technique I came across by accident whilst looking for AK tutorials! I have to say, it's given that last little touch.
I also trialled the method on a couple of locos but I'll show those on a separate post.

View attachment 216896
Hi Davy , i tried those pencils but couldn't get on with them . I'll go and search out the tutorials and then give them a try again . Nice work on the coal wagons .

NHY 581

Western Thunderer
I have the AK Weathering pencils but I'm yet to try them out. I must say the results you're getting Davy are encouraging me to have a go. I have however used a soft pencil over raised detail, bolts etc. Once sealed with matt varnish, I use a large blusher make up brush which I then flick over the model. It adds a rather nice metallic shine to it all.


Previously, I've used weathering powders to add rust then obtained a streaking effect using a fibre pencil in vertical strokes.

