4mm Llanfair ....


Western Thunderer
Following weeks of chopping & changing, the end-wall Gents was finally demolished and the wall made good before a cast-iron Gents was built for further down the platform away from the general amenities....

WEB Gents 8.jpgWEB Gents 5.jpg
I had a left over wall and so attached it to the back of the toiler
WEB Gents 7.jpg
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Western Thunderer
Hi, Fine thanks. Just diverted. Back to modelling, I've tried to keep the interest alive by shuffling loose track around, so this picture does not display the version I will be adopting, except that a double-slip will be incorporated now. The pencil lines shows how much of the "7mm" baseboard needed removing to suit a 4mm layout.....


The baseboard framework and top were reduced as shown here. The tops will be screwed in place tomorrow. The latest width at the station end is quite a lot more than the Mk.I Llanfair Road to allow a decent width lane to the coal yard behind the station...
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Western Thunderer
There's been no railway progress, which is obvious I suppose, Even imagining a recently purchased 'Manor' trundling down the track didn't do it for me and so I have decided to sell up all the 4mm rtr locos, hand built brass ex.GWR coaches, track and buildings.

Oddly, not one length of 00 track has been laid since the 0 gauge was sold off, although I did spend time indoors making buildings. I thought that buying the stuff would fire me up into layout building again, but it didn't. Instead, I've changed my car three times this year....! Boredom is a terrible thing haha.

Richard Gawler

Western Thunderer
Boredom is a terrible thing haha.
Larry, it might be worth developing a pastime which you can enjoy independently but later link to the trains. Perhaps painting (but landscapes not models, for a future backscene) or photography (for new models) or even driving (to find fresh ideas). I did the IAM driving course a while ago and I felt it perked me up, it was years after I passed my original driving test. The pastime needs to be something sufficiently engaging to get your mind off the model trains :)


Western Thunderer
The backing boards were given a fresh coat of matt white some months ago in preparation for a new 4mm layout, but everything stalled at that point. Anyway, I'm giving it a go in 7mm scale again and so the usual vinyl I D Backscenes were fixed in place. This time, the village is nearer the station even although this led to a non-matching join at the bottom end of the shed. Baseboards were then covered entirely with 1/8" cork yesterday....

WEB Llanfair 7mm 6K.jpg
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Western Thunderer
One of them two-minute jobs. A friend prompted me to look at Hattons 7mm Dapol 45xx in black with full 'British Railways' insignia, which was well discounted. Just the ticket!

The lettering was gently rubbed down using a ½" diameter fibre stick then the loco, except for the tank sides, was masked off and sprayed Satin Black from a Halfords rattle can....
WEB 45xx 1.jpg

Early BR totems came from a 7mm 'HMRS 'Methfix' sheet...
WEB 45xx 2.jpg

Removing the toy look from the tyres: First painted with Halfords Upol Acid 8 etch primer sprayed into a spare lid. An hour or so later, matt black debunked from a Halford can into the lid was applied using a bow pen.....
WEB 45XX 3.jpg

Weathering was to have followed, but it is so long since I used the sprayshop that my cellulose 'rusty' mix had dried up and gone solid.

Nick Rogers

Western Thunderer
Evening all,

Lovely job, Larry.

With regard to the totem, I think several of the 45xx class received the larger cycling lion crest. I have a large collection of photos showing Laira's stud of 45xx on the Launceston branch for my Horrabridge project.

4530 at Launceston 02.03.1954.jpg
4530 at Launceston on 02.03.1954 (note the bent running plate, presumably from a rough shunt?)

4542 North Raod 12.7.1955.jpg
4542 leaving Plymouth North Road on 12.07.1955 with a freight.

5567 from Launceston 12.7.1955.jpg
5567 from Launceston with one of the Plymouth district B-Sets and a 6-wheeled milk tanker (collected from Lifton) on the same day.

All the best,


Paul Tomlinson

Western Thunderer
View attachment 191624

And 4524 at Princetown in 1955, fairly feint but you can see the large size. Photograph by V.J.Bradley

(Photo : Small Prairie Tank )

You can use the tankside rivets as a guide - IMO the HMRS crest that Larry's used is a bit too large. Dapol have used what looks like the correct size on their version (photo Hattons) :

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Western Thunderer
The P C Models totem looks too big, that's for sure. I'll weather it down in due course......It looks like its gonna be a dirty engine!!! Interesting to see 4571 was an early recipient of BR lined green. It could mean my black 'un will have to carry a different number.