road vehicles

  1. Peter Insole

    Hop on a bus

    Due to popular demand I am starting this thread for those amongst us who (dare I say like me?) suffer/share a secondary passion for old buses. It will hopefully also allow us to chat away on the subject without hijacking any more of the Love Lane thread!! I was personally gratified to note that...
  2. AJC

    Prototype Old King Coal [adventures of a '60s Edinburgh Coal Yard]

    Courtesy of another place, I have become aware of this pair of short films from Edinburgh. While there's lots of interest here in terms of the wagons involved, the main point to be noted is the date: c. 1968. In the course of the first film are, in order of appearance, one end of an 8 shoe...
  3. AJC

    4mm An EM Workbench: plastic steels
    Threadmarks: SR Shock Open (scratchbuilt)

    I like building wagons and most of these are from kits - Parkside, Cambrian and the like. Nice though these are there is always scope for further variety and scratchbuilds and kitbashes - not that I build much as it falls out of the packet - provide this. The queue on the length of track that...