mineral wagons

  1. Overseer

    Steel 13T Private Owner Wagon

    One of the wagons missing from my 1950s gas works project is a steel 13 ton ex-Private Owner wagon. They were quite distinctive as the thinner sides, ends and floors meant they were slightly lower than the equivalent wooden wagons to maintain the same cubic capacity. They look something like the...
  2. Overseer

    It's a 16 tonner - but not as we know it

    This is an unplanned model. Well, it has been on the 'want to build' list for some time but when I got home on Friday evening I had no intention of starting it now. But while looking for another photo amongst my motley collection I came across the photo below. The note on the back says "AE...
  3. AJC

    4mm An EM Workbench: Scratch and Slide - return of the Dübs
    Threadmarks: SR Shock Open (scratchbuilt)

    I like building wagons and most of these are from kits - Parkside, Cambrian and the like. Nice though these are there is always scope for further variety and scratchbuilds and kitbashes - not that I build much as it falls out of the packet - provide this. The queue on the length of track that...