
  1. simond

    Theft of EM gauge models

    I have just read that the home of the owner of Lime Street was broken into last night and a large collection of EM gauge locos has been stolen. if/when further info (eg stock lists, crime number, police contact details) is posted, I’ll put it up here. more info is available on RMW at...
  2. T

    6221 Queen Elizabeth and the crazy task of building her train

    So tonight saw the unboxing and start on the tender of this one, to give me a break from wagon and coach building. She'll be finished in LMS coronation blue and silver around the time she first entered service in 1937. I did start a build thread of the coaches on rm web but I've lost all the...
  3. AJC

    4mm Brighton Works - An EM Terrier

    I've decided to spin the Terrier posts out of my general workbench thread - just to provide a bit more focus - the most recent post is here: 4mm - An EM workbench - Open Highs | Page 26 | Western Thunder Anyhow, a quick summary of the current state of play: Gradually, the loco is coming to...
  4. Heather Kay

    7mm On Heather's Workbench - the answer to life, the universe and…

    One of those satisfying creatures, a returning client, asked me if I'd care to take on a project he'd started but felt unable to complete. Of course, I agreed. After a spot of negotiation, I was entrusted with a large box containing an almost complete Churchward 4200 class 2-8-0T, hailing from...
  5. G

    Genghis's 7mm Workbench

    My next 7mm build will be the Gladiator Scottish Director. I have just started by cutting out the cab glazing - much easier to do when the etches are still on the fret, but a job I usually forget to do - and have fitted crankpins and blackened the wheels. No pictures of these, but in true Blue...
  6. adrian

    2mm Adrian's 2mm workbench.

    So my 2mm adventure is launched - having been very impressed with the various 2mmFS contributions on the forum I decided this was an opportunity to get a small shelf layout started - hopefully I will have some progress to report soon on Holywell Town. In the meantime I seem to remember a...
  7. y6tram

    Y6 Scratch Build

    I have been ask to build a Y6 tram engine for someone, and I thought maybe some of you will be interested how I go about it. It will be a slow build as work gets in the way at this time of year. Others may do it differently, so comments will be most welcome. So far I have done the side skirts...
  8. Dikitriki

    Martin Finney

    .......is retiring next year. http://website.lineone.net/~cbwesson/future_plans2014.htm Get your kits while you can:) Richard
  9. Tappa

    7mm 350hp shunter for Millicent Street

    Some of you will have seen the layout thread on Millicent Street that our group are building. Well, last November saw the first loco kits purchased from Laurie at JLTRT. They were a 2-8-0 WD and a cl.08 shunter. This week has finally seen me start the 08 kit. A few hours earlier in the week saw...
  10. oldravendale

    Building an Ace Kits "K"

    This could be interesting........ The reputation of Ace Kits is, to be altruistic, less than stellar. However, Ace Kits are amongst the least expensive of all kits (currently this is £149.99 including tender) so I'm expecting that there may be some problems and a need to replace some of the...
  11. Tom Mallard

    Tom Mallard’s Workbench L&B in 7mm scale, CR 828 in 7mm, GWR Saints in 4mm

    Moving on from introducing myself on the new members page, I have come to Area 51 to start things off. Should I ever be asked to go Great Western again, then I'll take the trouble to post there. The first item here is 4mm scale and an ex-LNER B2. I'll record progress as I go and post it here...
  12. Stumpytrain

    1470 GWR 0-4-2T MOK Kit

    As seasoned "armchair" 2mm Finescale modeller, I'm quite surprised at the change of direction I've taken over the past couple of months. My ambitious dreams of Bristol Temple Meads East, Newton Abbot West or the Royal Albert Bridge weren't making any progress; partly because of the huge fleet of...
  13. Dave

    7mm One from the Atlas works - Peckett X2

    The Sentinel build is on hold at the moment as I am awaiting the milled parts, so here we have another one to keep me amused for a couple of weeks. Peckett X2 class 0-6-0ST. This is the largest loco I have built to date and although it's far too big for Bury, Thorn & Sons I just wanted one so...
  14. Alex Duckworth

    Alex's 2mm models.

    I thought that it was time to keep Jerry company and start a thread on here featuring various 2mm models, and maybe even a layout (eventually). I'll start off with my Newcastle Quayside ES1 which has been retro fitted with a DCC chip. Alex.
  15. AJC

    4mm The Sentinel (and derivatives) in EM

    Well, a Thomas Hill at any rate. The real things were developed from the 0-6-0 version of the Rolls Royce Sentinel DH (itself developed from the chassis of a steam design produced for Dorman Long*), but with a better, taller cab and improved access to the 350hp Rolls Royce engine for...
  16. AJC

    4mm An EM Workbench: Scratch and Slide - return of the Dübs
    Threadmarks: SR Shock Open (scratchbuilt)

    I like building wagons and most of these are from kits - Parkside, Cambrian and the like. Nice though these are there is always scope for further variety and scratchbuilds and kitbashes - not that I build much as it falls out of the packet - provide this. The queue on the length of track that...
  17. dibateg

    7mm The Derby Line - Rolling Stock

    As requested, here is an inverted shot of the Fairburn. Below running plate level the kit is pretty dire. It was probably ok 20 years ago or so when it was introduced. So there are some massive changes to be performed. MOK Standard 4 Cylinders and motion bracket - all modified to suit a...