
  1. AJC

    Prototype At the end of the siding: the finer points of wagonry.

    This is the first in what may be a sporadic survey of wagons in what might loosely be called preservation. These examples have ended up at the Yeovil Railway Centre at Yeovil Junction (well, actually the GWR's Clifton Maybank branch). These pictures were taken under the supervision of my father...
  2. AJC

    4mm Brighton Works - An EM Terrier

    I've decided to spin the Terrier posts out of my general workbench thread - just to provide a bit more focus - the most recent post is here: 4mm - An EM workbench - Open Highs | Page 26 | Western Thunder Anyhow, a quick summary of the current state of play: Gradually, the loco is coming to...
  3. Jon Nazareth

    LBSCR Early Horsebox

    I would like to scratchbuild a G3 version of the early LBSCR horsebox as originally marketed by MSC Models. I have the O gauge kit and this has a good drawing by G R Weddell but I feel that I would need something more detailed to make anything like a reasonable job of it. I have looked at the...
  4. Jon Nazareth

    Jon Nazareth's 7mm layout

    Prompted by Ripper's 8' layout in 7mm, here are a few pictures of mine. It's 8' long but only 2' wide. It is fully wired but has become a diorama. The goods shed is one just up the road from me but as I had copies of the original drawings, I didn't bother visiting the site. Part way through...
  5. Jon Nazareth

    Jon Nazareth's G3 workbench

    Does anyone know if there exists out there anything like these spring hangers in G3 or even G1? They are for an LBSCR early open carriage truck and if the answer to the above is no, then I will have to have a go at making some. The springs aren't a problem for me just the hangers. Jon
  6. oldravendale

    Building an Ace Kits "K"

    This could be interesting........ The reputation of Ace Kits is, to be altruistic, less than stellar. However, Ace Kits are amongst the least expensive of all kits (currently this is £149.99 including tender) so I'm expecting that there may be some problems and a need to replace some of the...