3d printing

  1. Mike Trice

    Free 3D Models for download from the Great Northern Railway Society

    The Great Northern Railway Society (GNRS) have added a new resource to their web site, accessible to members and non-members alike. This section contains 3D models that can be downloaded and printed and/or modified as the downloader desires: 3D Print Files - The Great Northern Railway Society...
  2. Chris-Draw

    Collyweston-IRWIL-Light Railway

    Good morning, thank for letting me join. Great so far. I do model RTR mainly 7mm Standard and 0.16.5 Narrow Gauge. I'll post a couple of pics, and then maybe start a new post with layout features. I do have a go at 3D CAD and 3D Printing, so I am interested in those subjects Thanks again
  3. simond

    3D Printing - whether to buy, what to buy and how to use it?

    Following John Baker’s kind offer to 3D print the tanks for my model, I’m really intrigued by the process & possibilities. John uses an Elegoo printer, I’m interested to know what others have, what their impressions are, etc. I am seriously tempted! Also, the process, there seems to be a...
  4. paratom

    Tom's Workshop

    I think most modellers would agree that they have kits that are gathering dust and waiting for the fairies to magically put them together in the middle of the night. Unfortunately this will never happen and unless you have deep pockets to pay to get a professional modeller to build them for you...
  5. paratom

    Tom's 3D Printing Workshop

    Just started getting back to work on my GWR goods shed. Here are my 3D printed parts for the crane that will go inside the shed but will still be visible from the outside.
  6. paratom

    Zoom Talk

    Zoom talk on 3D printing this Saturday with hopefully members of RMweb joining in the discussion. Kick off is 11am this Saturday. Link will be posted in Members Board under Zoom Workshop on Friday.
  7. paratom

    Tom's 3D Print Workbench

    I will be posting my 3D printed work here and welcome any comments to my post. The Vangaurd is for a client who has a military themed 2mm layout and the Queen class is for CamKits producing exceptional 4mm nickel silver kits for the Cambrian Railway.
  8. paratom

    3D Printed Vangaurd Loco

    Added another 3D printer to my workbench and really pleased with the results. Here are some pictures of a Vangaurd loco I contructed in CAD and printed out at 25 microns on my new machine for a client.
  9. paratom

    2mm 3D Printed MOD Vangaurd Loco

    Added another 3D printer to my workbench and really pleased with the results. Here are some pictures of a Vangaurd loco I contructed in CAD and printed out at 25 microns on my new machine for a client.
  10. Bill Bedford

    Trade Mousa Models 7mm wagons

    I've just started printing wagons in 7mm scale - This is a NSR Longbottom wagon BWK1681/7. The price is £47.50 Most of the wagons in the 4mm range can now be supplied in 7mm, if the one you are looking for is not listed on my 7mmm page please send me an email.
  11. david bigcheeseplant

    3d printed downpipe brackets

    I have drawn up downpipe bracket to be 3D printed in 4mm scale hopefully by Modelu, the one shown is for a 3 inch pipe I will also do the 4 inch round type and also square section types. The idea is you slide them on to rod or square section brass. Davis
  12. david bigcheeseplant

    Manning Wardle Wheels

    I am building a RT Models K class Manning Wardle, and decided the Gibson wheel were too chunky, so I drew up and designed my own new wheel centres had Modelu 3D print them for me. The wheels are fitted to Exactoscale tyres. My whhels have the correct ten spokes and a 2mm axle. The attached photo...