
  1. allegheny1600

    Modelling Prussian railways in H0

    Hi All, Progress on my layout, "Irgendwo in Prussia" (somewhere in Prussia!) has been glacial I'm afraid. Mum-in-law being terminally ill, dad-in-law not much better, business steady and helping out with my club - all contribute and take their toll. However, I'm finally making progress on...
  2. Yorkshire Dave

    Yorky D's Küchentisch - Jonny half-a-job...

    I've been meaning to set up another thread for ages to encompass the non-US stuff I've been messing about with in 7mm in between the Cotton Belt GP9 build. The starting point are these two multimedia kits (to be built concurrently) from the Furness Railway Wagon Co of Joseph Wright & Sons...
  3. AJC

    HO Adam's Italian Diversions: Ein Supermodell (Brawa Köf)

    Having recently been round Europe by train I returned with an urge to model some of what I saw. Normally, I'd dither and let such an instinct pass; not this time. Following a dose of internet research, a box has arrived from Italy containing wagon kits (what else?). So what's in it - basically...
  4. allegheny1600

    THE Christmas Model Railway show - Manchester 2015

    Our next exhibition will be held in the Barnes Wallis Building, Manchester University Northern Campus (formerly UMIST) on Saturday 5th (10:00 to 17:30) and Sunday 6th (10:00 to 16:30) December 2015 To mark its 90th birthday year, the Society has decided to return to the city centre and to its...
  5. Compton castle

    Norfolk & Western Thunder in the Appalachian mountains HO scale layout

    To create a little bit of this in HO scale. Researching at the moment with a few books & DVD's ordered.