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Hobby Holidays
Thanks for that info Rob. Unfortunately too late. They arrived Friday morning so set about giving the 02 a running-in and final wheel cleaning session during lunch. I used white vinegar on cotton buds for the wheel clean.

The rollers seemed to work really well. The only teeny query I have is that the bearings are not free-running, but that could be because of their sealed design. The units do seem to be well made though.

So, cleaning my wheels with vinegar gave them a lovely shine. I left the set-up on my desk for a while so I could give it another burst if I felt like later. However, when later came, I found the surfaces were oxidised brown. Oh no! It would't run at all – I had forgotten to wash off the vinegar. STOOPID! Later that night (in fact during the early hours) I set about cleaning the wheels again with vinegar and washing them this time! It runs an absolute treat, down to about 1/2 rev per second. I'll see if I can make a vid later tonight.

I'm not totally sure how to run-in locos, but I did mine half speed in each direction then full speed in each direction. Seems to have worked a treat. I used to do this with my N gauge and never had a problem.

I'm quite interested in this Hobby Holidays thing. Can I go there to learn to solder and make kits? I'll have a look to see if they have a website now.

Cheers, Steve