7mm Millicent Street


Western Thunderer
Hoisted on my own petard, crawls into the cupboard and hides.
I wouldnt worry about it. You can't really tell what is and isn't there without seeing the whole layout. Even then, we keep seeing things we have missed and I dare say others will for years to come.


Western Thunderer
Have you any plans to exhibit Millicent Street?
From the very start the layout was indeed designed and built with the exhibition circuit in mind. It is in effect the replacement for its predecessor 'Hospital Gates' for those that remember that old train set.

After a rethink due to the Covid years. We had intended that it might debut this year. But not all aspects of it were ready in time and having taken it this far it would have been a shame to compromise and rush to finish it.

We much prefer to have the layout and ourselves well fettled first rather than showing a part finished model.

If progress can be maintained at its current rate you might just see it quietly pop up in an odd corner of a show somewhere next year.
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Western Thunderer
hospital gates was good, this looks even better ( if poss)

Cheers, we hope so too.
Hospital Gates was our very first attempt at 7mm and replaced our previous EM layout. For those with long memories Walker Marine.

Each layout different in so many ways. But we hope each an improvement on the last.

We are of the mind that, as with any creative art form. You should learn from everything you build and the next model be that bit better for the knowledge and experience gained.

That said, Covid has actually had a positive impact on this model too. The sudden stop in the pace of group work led to individuals spending way more time on remote working on structures, stock and details. Which has again led to a better overalllook when they are brought together.

Dan Randall

Western Thunderer
The local folk are starting to make an appearance.

It might just be me, but I can’t help thinking the “local folk” are compromising the realism you’ve all achieved so far, on the rest of the layout.

Hand-sculpted figures have had a good run over the years (it was them, or nothing!), but with their unnatural poses, ill proportioned heads/limbs and eyes like organ stops, is it worth considering the modern alternative, namely, scans of actual people, from Modelu?




Western Thunderer
It might just be me, but I can’t help thinking the “local folk” are compromising the realism you’ve all achieved so far, on the rest of the layout.

Hand-sculpted figures have had a good run over the years (it was them, or nothing!), but with their unnatural poses, ill proportioned heads/limbs and eyes like organ stops, is it worth considering the modern alternative, namely, scans of actual people, from Modelu?


I'm not the biggest fan of having little people on layouts - (none of my locos have drivers or fireman as I reckon they look absurd when the locos are "on shed", although arguably equally absurd without them when on the main line). I also agree that the Modelu figures are probably the best of the bunch by quite a long way. However in the case of Millicent Street they bring each of the little scenarios to life and I reckon the layout would be poorer without them.

Just sayin'...



Western Thunderer
It might just be me, but I can’t help thinking the “local folk” are compromising the realism you’ve all achieved so far, on the rest of the layout.

Hand-sculpted figures have had a good run over the years (it was them, or nothing!), but with their unnatural poses, ill proportioned heads/limbs and eyes like organ stops, is it worth considering the modern alternative, namely, scans of actual people, from Modelu?


Dan, as the one who painted all the figures on the layout, they were done a good few years back before Modelu were on the scene. There are a few of the Modelu figures to go on the layout (mainly loco crews).
